Definition of Works Contract under Gst Act

Works Contract under GST Act: Definition and Implications

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Act has brought significant changes in the taxation of works contracts. Works contract is a type of agreement where a contractor agrees to carry out certain construction or related work within a specified time and budget. It is a complex area of taxation, and its treatment under GST Act is no exception.

Definition of Works Contract under GST Act:

As per Section 2(119) of the GST Act, a works contract is defined as a contract for building, construction, fabrication, completion, erection, installation, fitting out, improvement, modification, repair, maintenance, renovation, alteration, or commissioning of any immovable property.

In simple terms, a works contract involves two elements – supply of goods and services. The supply of goods and services in a works contract can be intra-state or inter-state, based on the location of the immovable property.

Implications of Works Contract under GST Act:

The treatment of works contract under GST Act is based on the nature of the contract and the location of the immovable property. The following are the implications of works contract under GST Act:

1. Classification of Works Contract:

Works contract can be classified as either a composite supply or a mixed supply, based on the dominant nature of the contract. A composite supply involves a supply of goods and services that are naturally bundled and supplied together, while a mixed supply involves a supply of goods and services that are not naturally bundled and supplied together.

2. Taxability of Works Contract:

The taxability of works contract under GST Act depends on the nature of the supply and the location of the immovable property. The GST rate for works contract is 12% for a composite supply and 18% for a mixed supply.

3. Input Tax Credit:

The input tax credit (ITC) on works contract is available as per the provisions of Section 17 of the GST Act. The ITC is allowed to the extent of the tax paid on the supply of goods and services in a works contract.

4. Reverse Charge Mechanism:

The reverse charge mechanism (RCM) is applicable to certain types of works contract, as per the provisions of Section 9(4) of the GST Act. Under RCM, the recipient of the supply is liable to pay the GST instead of the supplier.


Works contract is a complex area of taxation, and its treatment under GST Act requires careful attention. The definition of works contract under GST Act includes a wide range of activities related to immovable property. The taxability of works contract depends on the nature of the supply and the location of the immovable property. The input tax credit on works contract is available subject to certain conditions. The reverse charge mechanism is applicable to certain types of works contract. Therefore, it is essential for businesses to understand the implications of works contract under GST Act and comply with the applicable regulations.

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