Subject and Verb Agreement (Compound Subjects) Practice 1 Answers

Subject-verb agreement is one of the essential aspects of grammar that every writer should learn. It is critical to ensure that both the subject and the verb in a sentence match in number. In compound subjects, where two or more subjects are combined by “and,” it is crucial to ensure that the verb agrees with the number of subjects. This article will provide answers to practice exercises on subject and verb agreement with compound subjects.

Practice 1:

1. The cat and the dog (are, is) sleeping.

The correct answer is “are.” The subject of the sentence is “cat and dog,” which is a compound subject. Since it has two subjects, the verb must be in the plural form, “are.”

2. The book and the pen (belongs, belong) on the table.

The correct answer is “belong.” Just like in the previous sentence, the subject is a compound subject, which consists of two subjects, “book” and “pen.” Therefore, the verb should be in the plural form, “belong.”

3. A cup and a saucer (is, are) needed for tea.

The correct answer is “are.” The subject is a compound subject consisting of two singular subjects, “cup” and “saucer.” Therefore, the verb should be in the plural form, “are.”

4. The movie and the popcorn (was, were) enjoyable.

The correct answer is “were.” The subject is a compound subject consisting of two subjects, “movie” and “popcorn.” Since the subject “movie and popcorn” is plural, the verb should be in the plural form, “were.”

5. The teacher and the students (is, are) leaving the classroom.

The correct answer is “are.” The subject is a compound subject consisting of two subjects, “teacher” and “students.” Since the subject “teacher and students” is plural, the verb should be in the plural form, “are.”

In conclusion, understanding subject and verb agreement in compound subjects is crucial for writers. It helps to ensure that their writing is grammatically correct and easy to read and comprehend. By practicing with exercises like the one provided, writers can improve their skills and write better content that is free of errors.

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